We will continue to talk with the children about this special place called the Worship Center. This is a place where we have all the time we need. We enter into this room to hear the stories of God, listen to God, talk to God and experience God. We have been walking more slowly and talking more softly in this special place. We have talked about ways to talk to God. Today we will focus on talking to God in prayer. There are some prayer cards we use to help children with their words to God. Amen, Thanks be to God, Alleluia, and Hosanna. We start with these simple words, then children can use their own special word if desired to talk to God.
I wonder what word or words you may use to talk to God today?……..
I wonder if God has some word or words for you today?………
I wonder how you listen to God?……..I
I wonder if it is hard to listen to God?……..