Children’s Message January 15th, 2023

This is the season of Epiphany. ( second Sunday of Epiphany)

Epiphany is a strange yet beautiful word. It means to see more clearly….more truly….more like God sees the world…..but even more than that…. it means to see God or at least what God has done….where you hadn’t noticed it before,

Today we will remember together the story of Simeon’s Epiphany moment…when he saw the baby Jesus and knew he was the Messiah promised by the prophets

Anna also saw baby Jesus. She was a prophet, very old and very wise. Anna also knew that this baby was the promised Messiah.

I wonder if we would have had Epiphany eyes….Do you think Jesus would have looked so very different from the other babies?……….

I wonder what helped Anna and Simeon have Epiphany eyes?………..



