Children’s Message April 16th, 2023

This is the season of Easter, when we celebrate the mystery that Jesus died and that God made him alive again.
On the road to Emmaus two of Jesus’ friends were very sad. Jesus had died. They had hoped he would be king. “Why did Jesus have to die?” They said. “Why did Jesus die?”…….. then someone came and walked with them. He told them why Jesus died.
“Stay with us ,” they said.
The man broke the bread and gave it to them. Then they knew who he was. He was Jesus. Jesus was alive. Then he left.
The men were so happy that Jesus was alive…. They had to go back to Jerusalem and tell the disciples.
I wonder what it felt like to recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread?………
I wonder if you have ever been close to bread like this?……..
I wonder how it feels to know Jesus is alive?…………
I wonder what it is like to tell others that Jesus is alive?……….



